Residency Benefits
These are some of the direct benefits you get when becoming a resident of Paraguay
Simple And Swift Process Without Physical Obligation To Reside In Paraguay
Without a doubt, Paraguay has the most flexible residency programs in the world. It enables people to be real global citizens!!

Optimizing Taxes
The taxes on earnings coming from abroad, is zero %. People living and earning their money from abroad are so far optimizing their taxes as far as possible. For domestically earned income the taxes are a maximum of 10%.
Paraguay is one of the most stable economies in South America. With a great influence of foreigners in the past 100 years, Paraguay has also become a central hub for trade. In 1991, the Mercosur was formed, a trade treaty between the biggest states of South America
When becoming a resident and a tax-id holder of Paraguay, you will automatically be able to move and work freely within the Mercosur area. This has many benefits, but foremost it gives the individual access to more or less the entire continent in regards to trade and investments. The Mercosur treaty works more or less in the same way as the Schengen treaty works in Europe

Investment Opportunities
As said before, Paraguay is one of the most stable economies in South America. The country possesses numerous interesting and attractive investment opportunities. Foremost within the agricultural industry, where Paraguay is among the 10 biggest exporting country in the world
On top of that, Paraguay has one of the youngest workforces in South America. Most people live in urbanized areas, which makes it easy for start-ups or other organizations to find employees. Employment laws and rules are well structured, and protection of intellectual property makes it a very attractive country to invest in

Setting Up Businesses
Paraguay has very simple and straight forward way of setting up own businesses, sales offices or any other legal entity. Depending on the character of the business, whether its a production facility with export focus or an independent legal entity, the opportunities are extensive
Paraguay is one of the most secure economies in South America. The Paraguayan Garani is one of the most stable currencies all over the continent due to its close ties to the US dollar. All this has made Paraguay the optimal country for setting up businesses

Paraguayan Citizenship
Paraguay allows dual citizenship, so you can keep your native passport beside of your new Paraguayan passport if you so wish. Paraguay acknowledges the jus soli policy (“right of the soil”) – meaning that children that are born in Paraguay will automatically obtain Paraguayan citizenship